Kiln Basics at The Pottery Place! Pottery 101 refresher class! https://bit.ly/30BGFcx #pottery #art #artPD #pottery101

Youth Mental Health First Day presented by Ondine Gross and Sebastian Klein. Register today! https://bit.ly/2Zrhg8i #ymhfa #supportyouth #mentalhealth

I love Mrs. White's philosophy for educating ESL students! https://wida.wisc.edu/about/news/august-2019-featured-educator-deborah-white?utm_source=MK-WN081319&utm_medium=wisclist-email&utm_campaign=WIDANews&utm_term=Featured%20Educator&utm_content=TextLink

Question of the day: What's 1 new idea you plan on implementing this year in your classroom/school/district? We'd LOVE to hear from you!

Spent the morning at the Vermilion County Administrative Kick-Off at the Danville Boat Club and Hamish Brewer was our guest speaker! He was amazing and his passion for bettering children's lives was so inspirational! What a great way to start our school year!

Hamish Brewer...AWWWWWW!!!!! Had such an incredible morning listening to a success story of using LOVE to transform the lives of youth and change our schools!! TOTAL EDUCATION GEEK DAY!!!! @brewerhm

Retiring? We want to celebrate all you've done for our students. Please join us for light refreshments and a presentation from TRS. Register today! bit.ly/2EmPHB6

Retiring? Let us celebrate you! Join us on May 28 for light refreshments and a short presentation on this next stage of your career. Please visit our website to RSVP! https://bit.ly/2EmPHB6

Join us for our upcoming Conscious Discipline workshop. The School Family is a metaphor for creating positive school cultures based on current research about healthy families and optimal brain development. Follow our link to register: https://bit.ly/2LQ1oGL

Thank you for all that you do!

Summer is fast approaching. Don't forget to book your summer PD! Safer Schools Together is presenting a 2 day School Threat & Risk Assessment Training held at Hilton Garden Inn in Champaign. Space is limited, so don't wait to register! https://bit.ly/2LF6A0a

Happy Administrative Professionals' Day to the best office ninjas EVER! Jerri Waller and Katie Black, you are the reason ROE SchoolWorks is successful, and we cannot thank you enough for all you do!

Do you want to be the best? Spaces are limited and time is running out for our upcoming workshop. Learn about different strategies that work for all students! Register here: https://reg.abcsignup.com/reg/event_page.aspx?ek=0044-0016-d9a5840240f24a1790dbf3c0da47c66d

Register today for the School Threat and Risk Assessment Training! https://reg.abcsignup.com/reg/event_page.aspx?ek=0044-0016-e3d6a30412984994ada4ad51e3acca98

The staff and consultants of ROE SchoolWorks congratulate Mr. Jared Ellison, Junior High Principal of Westville CUSD #2, on his recognition of being IPA's Middle School Principal of the Year! Well deserved, Mr. Ellison!

Just want to take a moment to thank Gary Lewis and his staff at the Oakwood Unit Office for allowing us to host our Classroom Management Seminar presented by Catherine Rosen at their facility today!

Designing Questions for Inquiry will be presented by Brian Kahn from the McCormick Foundation. Five full hours of great information that will enhance your own practice. Register here: https://reg.abcsignup.com/reg/event_page.aspx?ek=0044-0016-9a4b04a6b073491b844cc0c881a383ab

Registration is now open for the 2 day School Threat & Risk Assessment Training. Presented by Safer Schools Together. First day counts towards AA credit! #safertogether

Edutopia released its 2018 Educational Research Highlights report. Research spans classroom management, teacher burnout, and learning styles. The report links to the original research for in-depth reads.

Two day training in February presented by Safer Schools Together. First day will grant participants AA credit! Register here! https://reg.abcsignup.com/reg/event_page.aspx?ek=0044-0016-f1897bed5f6a4637afa2392aea1d8aea